Category: Blog
Empowerment for VNAM and beyond!
As Vet Nurse Awareness Month takes centre stage, it’s a time to celebrate the invaluable contributions of veterinary nurses and honour their vital role. This year’s focal point of empowerment resonates deeply with me, not only as someone that runs a company called Vet Empowered, but as a coach within the veterinary space and avid… Read more
Ten Questions I Asked Myself About Stress As A Veterinary Surgeon
It’s Stress Awareness Month, and I know the JHP team have provided lots of support around this. Those of you that have followed my blog series for a while, will know I’m a fan of reflective questions and journaling; it gives us a chance to ask ourselves the questions we don’t stop to do otherwise.… Read more
Navigating Hindsight Bias as a Vet Team Member
“What if you didn’t necessarily do the wrong thing, you just know more about the situation to make a different call next time” Hindsight bias – it’s a thing. We all have those moments in life where we look back and wonder why we didn’t do something differently – whether clinical veterinary cases, or in… Read more
Focus on Flexible Working in Veterinary Practice
Flexible working means different things to different people but there is no doubt that it is a hot topic in the veterinary profession at the moment. As all levels of the profession strive to find solutions to the workforce shortages, embracing flexible working features high up the agenda. Why do we want flexible working? In… Read more
Have You Given Yourself Space To Reflect?
This year is swiftly heading to an end, and for many people this becomes a time of reflection. We’ve been taught that new years are for new beginning, right? We don’t have to wait for January 1st to start thinking about what’s important to us. With the coaching work that we do at Vet Empowered,… Read more
Where could we ditch the “S” word in our veterinary careers and beyond?
Which “S” word? SHOULD. I should-ed my way through life for a long time. Should stay in my first veterinary job for at least a year, even though I knew deep down it wasn’t the right one for me after the first eight months. Should get a certificate, even though I barely left work as… Read more
Beating burnout in veterinary practice: focus on wellbeing
Most veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses enter the profession to care for the health and wellbeing of animals. A career that revolves around helping others, albeit of the four-legged variety, requires significant emotional input. Add to that long working hours, busy on-call rotas and packed diaries, and the job can soon start to take its… Read more
What does self-care have to do with imposterism?
If you’ve followed the JHP Blog for a while, you’ll know that I regularly create content around feeling like an imposter. This one is a little different. I’m going to share some of my own experiences, see if any of it resonates with you. So what do these two things have in common? Self-relationship and… Read more
The Power of Positivity in the Face of a Veterinary Recruitment Crisis
The veterinary profession has long been the dream career of many. Varied, interesting and rewarding, is it any wonder that there is no shortage of applicants to vet schools in the UK. So why is there a vet shortage and a well-documented veterinary recruitment crisis? The cause of the current challenges facing the veterinary profession,… Read more